saves its biggest announcements of the year for its annual developer conference, I/O. It’s where you’ll hear all the latest about Android, Search, Chrome, Maps, get a glimpse into ‘s plans to dominate other markets. ether it’s living room entertainment with Android TV or car infotainment systems with Android Auto, you’ll hear all the major announcements first at the I/O keynote. Can’t go to the conference? You don’t have to miss out. You can watch the keynote live online, many of the sessions, too. Head to the I/O page for a full conference schedule to see which sessions will be streamed. The keynote live stream will appear on that site as well as on the Developers channel on YouTube. Or just sit tight on this page, watch it in the embedded video below! Can’t stream 2.5 hours of video from your computer at work? No problem! ‘ll be right there in the audience, live blogging the whole thing. And you can keep refreshing our I/O page for all the latest news. ile you wait, why not get a feel for the epic 2.5-hour event by watching last year’s keynote?