HTC has seen better days, and while the company’s latest flagship smartphone has been doing well, the company is still considering a variety of options to help improve its situation. According to a report from Bloomberg today, HTC is weighing different scenarios that might help it improve its financial situation. That includes either bringing in a strategic investor and spinning off, or outright selling, HTC’s Vive virtual reality headset business arm. The Vive has not seen a strong point of sale for HTC, so this route might make sense, especially the sale. The other option, which would be perceived as a bit drastic, would be to sell HTC off completely. However, the report indicates that HTC hasn’t gone far in this train of thought, simply because there is no obvious company to acquire HTC at this point. That could change in the future, though. HTC was once a company to beat in the Android market, with popular releases like the Hero and Droid Incredible. However, with so many different companies releasing worthwhile devices, and Samsung decidedly taking the crown in recent years, HTC has fallen a bit back. The U11 has done quite a bit to help the company regain some time in the lime light, but it hasn’t been enough to really bring HTC back from the edge. Do you currently own an HTC device? If not, have you ever? Which one was your last daily driver?