Rumors and leaks have indicated that the launch of the HTC M8 might be accompanied with the mini-version of the handset – the M8 mini. With Mini and Compact handsets being all the rage right now, this move from HTC definitely makes sense. Today, thanks to @evleaks, we now know the full specs of the HTC M8 Mini as well. Sadly, the specs of the device are pretty disappointing and are barely an upgrade over the current-gen One mini.

— @evleaks (@evleaks) February 8, 2014 While HTC has beefed up the processor from a dual-core to a quad-core on the upcoming M8 Mini, it has not increased the RAM to 1.5 or 2GB. The main issue with the current-gen One mini is that it frequently runs out of RAM and it looks like the M8 mini is going to be no different. While KitKat may help in freeing up more RAM, HTC should at least ship the M8 mini with 1.5gigs of RAM. It is also interesting to see @evleaks suggesting that the M8 mini is going to come with a microSD card slot, which HTC has traditionally being avoiding in its handsets. The presence of a 13MP camera also indicates that the company might have ditched its UltraPixel camera, that it introduced across the One-lineup last year. With Motorola changing the low-to-mid range mobile market tremendously with the Moto G, HTC needs to make sure it delivers the right experience and price point with the One mini so that it sells in good numbers.