In April of this year, HTC announced plans to introduce a new lineup of One M9 handsets, within a new INK family, that would feature unique engraved designs on the back of the handsets. The INK idea follows the PHUNK Edition One (M8) from last year, but this one’s a bit more personal in scope, especially for the artists that are designing the logos that will be engraved on the back of the handsets. The fist of which has just been unveiled by HTC, and it’s a design that was put together by artist Cally-Jo Pothecary and model Jourdan Dunn. Other than the engraved design on the back, the One M9 INK limited edition handset is the same as the other M9 variants out there in the world. For those that are interested in picking up the One M9 INK variant, you can sign up with HTC with your email address to let them know you’d probably buy one given the opportunity. You’ll have to let HTC know which device you’re currently using as your daily driver, as well as when your current wireless contract will wrap up. To register your interest, head through the INK source link below. What do you think of the One M9 INK?