The HTC One (M9) is shaping up to be a powerful flagship handset in 2015, but with its 5-inch display it may not be big enough for some folks out there. No worries, though, as HTC is said to have those other people covered. Rumors have swirled for quite some time that the One (M9) won’t be the only handset that HTC launches this year, with a larger variant also speculated. Now, according to a picture posted to Chinese social media site Weibo, that particular handset has been caught on camera in the wild. According to rumors, this handset is going to be called the One (M9) Plus, and currently has a codename “Hima_Ultra.” (The One (M9)’s codename is reportedly Hima, and has been leaked as such several times.) As revealed by the photo, the One (M9) Plus has a few changes to the physical design, most notably the elongated button just beneath the display. That is, according to rumors, a brand new fingerprint scanner that HTC is throwing in to spice up the handset. The other hardware decision worth noting is the large camera housing on the back, which certainly a stark difference from the previous One models.

The One (M9) Plus is also rumored to be launching right around the same time that the One (M9) is, too. So, that could place both handsets on the market sometime in the early part of March. This isn’t the first time that HTC has included a fingerprint sensor on a device, as they included one on the back of the One max not too long ago, so it’s not completely out of the question that they would try it again. What do you think of the One (M9) Plus, if this is indeed the handset?