Infographics are easily the most heinous form of marketing. Instead of writing an essay with numbers sprinkled in that are easy to consume, or paying someone to make a brief three minute video filled with content, companies create a stupidly large JPG image with a bunch of data in it that may or may not prove useful. More often than not it’s useless.

HTC just posted such an infographic, and people it has something to do with the One Mini. Ummm, yeah. Great. What do we really know about the One Mini? It’s a One, except it has a 4.3 inch 720p screen, Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor, 1 GB of RAM, and that’s about it. What don’t we know about the One Mini? Pricing and availability. When will we know? Hopefully by the end of this month, because I’m tired of these shenanigans.