I spent my weekend putting together IKEA furniture and entertaining guests, so I didn’t have time to watch the new HTC One ad that went up on Friday. TechCrunch said it was “embarrassing“, The Verge called it “absolutely cringe-worthy“, but I wanted to see it for myself before forming an opinion. Sadly, this morning I tried pulling up the video, but it was nowhere to be found.

I’m going to assume that HTC decided to have it pulled after receiving negative feedback. This isn’t exactly the best start at an attempt to compete with Samsung. Samsung’s first three 30 second ads for the Galaxy S4, which I covered last week, are short, to the point, and sell a feature. Again, I haven’t watched this new HTC ad, so I don’t know whether or not it did a good job at selling HTC’s new phone, but something tells me it didn’t. Did you see the ad? Did you like it? Update: Tip of the hat to @Ben_Kersey, who sent me a link to the video below.