HTC has been working on a blockchain smartphone for quite some time, seeing it as an untapped market that it’s ready to capitalize on. The company had previously said it would be launching its first smartphone in this endeavor before the end of 2018, announcing the Exodus smartphone back in May of this year. Well, now the device is known as the Exodus 1 and it’s available to preorder, as long as you’re willing to pay in either Bitcoin or Ethereum cryptocurrency. The handset is a flagship device, with high-end specs, with a price tag that’s between $950 and $970, depending on how you pay. As far as the specs go, the Exodus 1 boasts a 6-inch Quad HD+ display with an 18:9 aspect ratio, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor, 6GB of RAM, and 128GB of built-in storage. There is a 12-megapixel and a 16-megapixel camera on the back, along with a pair of 8MP cameras on the front. It is running Android Oreo out of the box, though. The device’s battery measures in at 3500mAh, and it features HTC’s tweaks like Sense UI, BoomSound, USonic, and Edge Sense 2. HTC says the device will ship in December, but doesn’t provide a specific date to circle on the calendar just yet. The handset costs BTC 0.15 or ETH 4.78 and it’s available to preorder right now if you’re so inclined.

Who’s picking one of these up?