HTC has just announced the One M9, and in due course the four biggest wireless carriers in the United States have confirmed they will be launching the device. Unfortunately, while HTC has announced it will release the One M9 beginning in mid-March, the carriers aren’t being all that straightforward just yet. For example, Sprint has confirmed it will launch the newest flagship from HTC, but only says it will launch it in “early spring.” The other three are just as vague. Verizon says it will launch the One M9 sometime in the second quarter of 2015. AT&T? Even worse, saying that they’ll share their own launch plans at a “later date,” and that’s about it. Finally, T-Mobile is just about as bad, saying they plan on launching the One M9 at some point, but did confirm that the device will support Wi-Fi Calling. Do you plan on waiting for the One M9 on one of these carriers?