The President of HTC USA, Jason Mackenzie spoke to CNBC on an afternoon show about the company’s future and upcoming devices, as well as leaks. He said that the company doesn’t respond to speculations and rumors when asked about the recent leak which revealed the All New HTC One in its entirety. He also said that comparing HTC to the competition is like comparing a Rolex to a Titan, reinstating that the company is known for quality. The rest is just positive talk that you would generally expect from a company executive, so nothing really surprising there. Jason revealed that the company has some plans in mind to make its upcoming flagship a success, although he didn’t mention what this new flagship would be.

The new HTC One is already well known to us as several leaks in the past have given away every little detail about the smartphone. The only mystery that is surrounding the device at this point is the functionality of the second camera on the back, which could be interesting to look forward to. HTC isn’t exactly in a position to command superiority in the industry with the likes of Samsung, LG and other OEMs ruling the roost. However, it’s good to see that the company has remained positive.