Huawei Founder Warns it’s ‘Live or Die Moment’ For Company

The ongoing trade war between the US and Huawei doesn’t seem to end. For those who don’t know, it all started a few months ago when the Trump administration included Huawei under the dreaded entity list. The ban has restricted all U.S companies from doing any business with Huawei. The previous month, it looked like things will settle down as Donald Trump had committed that he would allow Huawei to do business with the U.S Companies. However, the ban was still not lifted, and U.S companies were required to apply for a special license to work with Huawei. A few days ago, Donald Trump told reported on Sunday as he boarded Air Force One in New Jersey “At this moment it looks much more like we’re not going to do business with Huawei” “I don’t want to do business at all because it is a national security threat and I really believe that the media has covered it a little bit differently than that” he added. Recently, US gave Huawei another 90 days before the full ban takes effect. This 90-day reprieve would allow the Chinese company to continue sending updates to phones and maintaining existing networks and equipment. After looking at all these uncertainties surrounding the US-China trade conflict, Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei warned in an internal memo that the company is at a ‘Live or die moment’. Not only that, but Ren Zhengfei also told its employees to form ‘commando squads’ to explore new projects. Employees who fail will have their salary cut every few months, and they might also lose their job. Recently, Ren Zhengfei in an interview said that they didn’t expect any relief from the US sanctions “Whether the entity list is extended or not, that will not have a substantial impact on Huawei’s business. We can do well without relying on American companies.” So, what do you think about this? Share your views with us in the comment box below.