With rumors and information coming out almost daily, there is now a novelty that until now had not been spoken. Huawei Mate 10 can bring a smartpen. It has been constant the emergence of news and rumors about the next big smartphone from the well-known Chinese smartphone manufacturer Huawei. Almost everything is known, from specifications to details. It is already next Monday that the Mate 10 will be made known to the world, in its 3 expected configurations. It is spoken, and with a high degree of certainty, that it will be presented Mate 10 Lite, Mate 10 and Mate 10 Pro. But the well-known Evan Blass has now revealed a novelty that few expected. The Mate 10 may be accompanied by a pen, which will allow the user to transfer all their notes to this smartphone.

— Evan Blass (@evleaks) October 12, 2017 In the publication that made on Twitter, are possible alternatives to the total integration of this pen with Mate 10. Several users say that it will be the result of a partnership of the brand with Moleskine, with the pen presented to Moleskine Pen+. It is also speculated that this may only be present in the higher spec model, the Mate 10 Pro. The Chinese smartphone manufacturer Huawei’s decision may go another way, making this pen available in the other models as well, as it did with the Leica cameras. All rumors will be confirmed early on Monday afternoon when Richard Yu, CEO of Chinese smartphone manufacturer Huawei CBG, step up to the stage of the event which is expected to be held in Munich. In addition to the new Mate 10, the new Kirin 970 processor, with its NPU, will also be one of the highlights. So, what do you think about this? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.