I watched Huawei’s Ascend P6 launch yesterday, and enjoyed most of it, that is until the very end. When the company said their new flagship phone was going to cost 449 EUR, I immediately tuned out. Here in Finland, 395 EUR will buy you a 4G LTE enabled Samsung Galaxy S III, which is arguably leaps and bounds better than the P6.

— Teemu Laitila (@teemulaitila) June 19, 2013 Fortunately, one of my Twitter followers shared a link with me this morning to a press release from the Finnish operator Elisa. Think of them like Verizon. They’re not the fastest, but they’re everywhere. I’m a customer, for what it’s worth. They say that sales of the P6 will start in mid-July, and that the phone can be yours for just 359 EUR. That’s a substantial difference from yesterday’s quoted price, and it immediately changes my mind about the device. No, the P6 isn’t for me, but for a lot of people it’ll probably be just right. I’ve contacted Huawei and asked for a review sample. If I get one, and that’s a big if, expect a review.