Speaking at a closely held event in Beijing today, the VP of Product Line at Huawei, Bruce Lee (no, not that Bruce Lee) told that working with Google for the Nexus 6P was a dream come true for the company. Lee reveals that there are two major challenges Huawei faced while working with Google on the Nexus 6P: the short developmental cycle and the global availability of the product. Huawei has mainly released phones for the Chinese market, with a few phones being launched in the United States every once in a while. Despite being on track to ship more than 100 million smartphones this year, Huawei has never launched a smartphone on such a global scale before. The VP further says that working on the Nexus 6P was among the “most challenging projects” of his career to which he devoted a lot of energy and effort. Huawei was not the only one that learnt something while working with Google on the Nexus 6P though. Lee says that Google appreciated Huawei’s innovation in the fingerprint technology segment, while Huawei gained more information about the USB Type-C port that it now plans on using in its future products. The executive was also quick to put down rumors about Google awarding Huawei the Nexus project this time around to make the Chinese government remove the ban on Google products and services from the country.