On Saturday, while everyone was out Christmas shopping, Google decided to buy a company called “Boston Dynamics”. Never heard of them? You’ve probably seen one or two of the YouTube videos they’ve uploaded. They’re the guys who build robots like “BigDog” for America’s armed forces. What exactly does Google plan on doing with a company that focuses on manufacturing robots designed to carry ammunition through the mountains of Afghanistan? Something tells me that when we find out in 10 to 15 years, we’ll looks back at the 1984 film “Terminator” and cry.

But seriously, why is Google investing in robotics? Earlier this month, it was revealed that Andy Rubin, the guy who invented Android, but then decided to leave the project, has secretly been working on robots specifically designed for factory automation and logistical work. In other words, Google is working on replacing those overworked Chinese people who build your smartphone. They also want to replace your friendly neighborhood FedEx and UPS guys. What does any of this have to do with web services? Right now, absolutely nothing, but Google is in a very special position. When they bought AdSense in 2003, the company effectively took ownership of a farm of geese that lay golden eggs. Almost nothing Google does today makes money other than the advertising team. Google knows this, so they’re investing in the future, and who honestly doesn’t think robots are the future?