In article let’s assume that we have a task to perform a penetration test for online banking system to verify the ability to guess valid usernames and passwords. If you were a hacker what would you do? Speaking for myself, first I would write up a quick script to create a dictionary file for potential usernames, secondly, find out the company password policy (like password length, the number of special character and so on..), and based on that, I will build my own password dictionary file. Finally, automate the process to see if we can get a correct password or maybe perform a DoS and block the account after X numbers of failed attempts!! Many users are using the same username for their bank account, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. So let’s forge a small Python script to illustrate how an attacker could use an ordinary publicly available information and build up a dictionary file which contains Twitter followers for XYZ Bank. At the time of writing this article, XYZ Bank has around 24,027 followers, let’s bring them up! Disclaimer: all of the actions explained in this article are counted under Passive Information Gathering and considered legitimate. We just spotlight a smart way of data collection. Twitter and many social websites have something called API < Application Programming Interface > which allows a programmer to write his own code to interact with Twitter and Get/Post information from/to Twitter. Fortunately, we have many libraries in Python that makes my job much easier, so all that I need to do is to register in Twitter developers and use the developer ID/keys in my script to run. The registration process should be something similar to these snapshots: –

Tweepy is a Python third-party library allow us to parse Twitter’s data; installing Tweepy is pretty easy:- hkhrais@Hkhrais:~$ sudo apt-get install python-pip hkhrais@Hkhrais:~$ sudo pip install tweepy import tweepy import time #insert your Twitter keys here consumer_key =‘blah blah blah’ consumer_secret=‘blah blah blah’ access_token=‘blah blah blah’ access_secret=‘blah blah blah’ auth = tweepy.auth.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) list= open(‘/home/hkhrais/Desktop/list.txt’,‘w’) if(api.verify_credentials): print ‘We successfully logged in.‘ user = tweepy.Cursor(api.followers, screen_name=“XYZbankgroup”).items() while True: try: u = next(user) list.write(u.screen_name +‘ n’) except: time.sleep(15*60) print ‘We got a timeout … Sleeping for 15 minutes’ u = next(user) list.write(u.screen_name +‘ n’) list.close() The code is almost self-explanatory, I passed consumer/token keys to function “OauthHandler” to identify/authenticate myself to Twitter, after that I asked to get followers ID for ‘XYZbankgroup‘ and store it in variable “user“. According to Twitter development paper, there’s a limit for how many requests a program can ask, in case of getting followers ID we should wait around 15 minutes otherwise a limit excess exception will show up. tweepy.error.TweepError: [{‘message’: ‘Rate limit exceeded’, ‘code’: 88}] Execution Output hkhrais@Hkhrais:~/Desktop/Tweets$ sudo python [sudo] password for hkhrais: We successfully logged in We got a timeout … Sleeping for 15 minutes We got a timeout … Sleeping for 15 minutes We got a timeout … Sleeping for 15 minutes We got a timeout … Sleeping for 15 minutes … We got a timeout … Sleeping for 15 minutes Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 31, in u = next(user) File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tweepy/”, line 181, in next self.current_page = File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tweepy/”, line 64, in next raise StopIteration StopIteration hkhrais@Hkhrais:~/Desktop/Tweets$ Note that the last exception indicates iteration completion, which means we’ve grabbed the whole followers’ usernames 🙂 The result: –

Intelligence gathering requires careful planning, research, and, most importantly, the ability to think like an attacker. With a small Python script (around 25 lines), we could retrieve a 24,027 followers’ usernames for @XYZbankgroup which can be used as good dictionary usernames. Keep in mind that this script gets very handy especially if our target usernames are not English!

Twitter API Tweepy library