Karbonn Mobile’s company chairman Sudhir Hasija told the es of India that Microsoft has eased up regulations to open its platform up for other players. “ signed the agreement two days ago will launch a range of ndows phones in about three months,” he said. The ndows one-only devices will arrive before the dual-boot phones, but eventually Karbonn plans to pack them up with Android market them toward its business-centric, tech-savvy customers. It also plans to market the phones by promoting a series of augmented reality apps. The idea of an Android-slash-ndows-one isn’t new. te last year, there were rumors that Microsoft had asked HTC to tack on its ndows one platform as an extra option on its Android hsets. And with Nokia’s Android announcement last week, there seems to be a trend emerging among Microsoft’s partners. There are still a few unanswered questions, though. at version of Android will these particular hsets run, will they even be updated as often as other flagship devices? It also leads to a broader question of what ndows one manufacturers plan to do next. ll they follow in Nokia’s footsteps try on forked Android for size, or simply tack on stard Android as an added bonus to push more ndows one devices? The latter could result in a generation of phones that actually befuddle consumers. st because a device is capable of dual-booting doesn’t meant that it should.