In case you haven’t been keeping up with the news these past few days, the HTC One Mini just got banned in the UK because it violates some of Nokia’s patents. During the trial over said patents, Judge Richard Arnold was privy to some information that should have stayed behind closed doors, information like when the successor of the HTC One would come out. According to the BBC, you can expect to see the “HTC One Two” on store shelves in either February or March.

Now if this comes as somewhat of a shock to you, then I don’t really know what to say. We’re all expecting both Samsung and HTC to have their respective flagship phones on store shelves by the end of March, at least that’s what the rumors that have been flying around the internet have said. What’s going to make the One Two special? That’s a hard one to answer. Leaks suggest it’ll look exactly like the One, it’ll have a larger 5.0 inch 1080p panel, and it’ll have a Snapdragon 800 under the hood, but that’s it. If you want those specs today, why not buy an LG G2? The more important question here is will Nokia try to get all of HTC’s devices banned from the UK, and if so, how much will that hurt the company? HTC isn’t exactly doing too well. Their 2013 revenues are nearly 30% lower than they were in 2012. What’s going to change that? And can it change with this court battle? Let’s watch this fight (and eat popcorn too).