I want to thank all of you who have gone to my shop over the years and gotten gadgets that I hand-selected for you. It’s been fun to see the latest in tech and bring it to you all in one spot. OK, now for the exciting stuff. But I’m not going anywhere! We still have work to do, and I can’t wait to tell you about it!

Komando Community coming very soon

We are “this” close to rolling out the new Komando Community. Many of you have already reserved your spot, and I thank you. I can’t wait to see you there! If you haven’t joined, here’s where you can reserve your spot in the safe, secure Komando Community. What is this Komando Community? It’s a place where my listeners and followers can connect with each other and share interests without being tracked, or hassled or targeted with ads that they have no interest in. Sound like your kind of place? Me too! Unlike open social media sites like Facebook, which track you and collect your data, Komando Community will be a place where you can socialize without worrying about data collection. You are in a safe environment. Community members can join at three levels — Techie, Pro and Guru. Techie memberships can share photos, connect with and make new friends for free. Pros can do all that plus start groups with people who share similar interests, write blog posts, share knowledge and get questions answered in the forum. Gurus can do those things plus have access to educational tools like Kim’s eBooks and Academy classes. Gurus and Pros will be able to watch and listen to The Kim Komando Show live or access previous shows. Guru annual membership is only $29.99 per year. Make sure you reserve your spot because this new community is something you don’t want to miss.

What about Kim’s Club?

Kim’s Club members will be automatically moved over to the Komando Community at the highest Guru level where they can watch and listen to the Kim Komando show, gain new knowledge with the new Komando Academy classes, get free eBooks, read and post blogs about a multitude of topics or create your own topic.