You don’t need to know anything except how to use a computer to start with “Track the Vehicle in Real-Time Using ESP32 2022”. You’ll learn how to build a system for tracking vehicles in real-time from scratch. Or, if you’ve really been wanting to learn about Raspberry Pi, “Build Your Own GPS Tracking System with Raspberry Pi Zero 2022” will take you from novice to expert. “Build Your Own Smart Dustbin Using Raspberry Pi” gives you more practice with Raspberry Pi. But it also covers circuit board diagrams, coding, the Internet of Things, and a lot more. You’ll learn how to build an IoT dashboard to remotely control home appliances in “Getting Started with NodeMCU (ESP8266) Step by Step”. Before you know it, you’ll be ready to move on to building your own mini robot arm. Asus Tinker Board is a competitor of Raspberry Pi, and “Introduction to Asus Tinker Board 2022” will teach you more about IoT as you build a home automation project, including automatic garden lights. It provides you with a great foundation for building other projects, and students love this course, rating it 4.9 out of 5 stars. These courses are presented by Comfiny, a company founded by a team of developers committed to teaching cutting-edge technologies to anyone who wants to learn. They offer a wide range of courses that make learning easy for beginners, as well as useful for advanced students. Don’t miss this chance to learn about circuits, coding, electronics, and much more; use coupon code CMSAVE70 to get The Ultimate Embededded Systems Mastery Bundle 2022 for just $19.99 during our Cyber Monday sale.