Earlier this month, I published a list of three accessories I want to see Samsung release during the second half of 2013. One of them was a “USB key with full sized and micro sized USB ports”. Well, I’m happy to announce that such a product now exists thanks to a company called “Leef Technology”. They announced the “Leef Bridge” yesterday, and the video below does a better job explaining the product than I ever could.

So how much does it cost? The press release makes everything perfectly clear: Now without having touched it, I have a few things I’d like to see addressed. First, it’s a bit too big. And that sliding mechanism, while it looks stable, it’ll probably fall apart in less than a year. I’d like to see a thinner version in the future. Also, the ports are not protected. Some sort of rubber caps that are physically secured to the key would help. Some of you probably think USB keys are pointless in today’s cloud connected era. And while I respect people’s opinions, personally, I hate moving files between my Android phone and my Mac. It’s a total nightmare that takes far too many clicks and taps and swipes.